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The last Sunday of this month will be a Coin Sunday, where we will do a special collection for UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief).
There will be a three-day academy for spiritual formation at Redemptorist Renewal Center here in Tucson. Titled “Singing the Earth’s Song: Lament, Praise, Prayer,” this retreat “is a journey into the heart of our faith tradition and the scientific community as together we find ways to respond” to the current environmental crisis.
For more information, please visit:
We are updating our records. There are forms on the narthex table which you can fill out to help us refresh our records, and there are baskets in the narthex and on the Social Hall stage in which to place the completed forms. Thank you for your help with this project.
Ever consider being a liturgist? On Sundays they make announcements, lead the Call to Worship, say the opening prayer, and read the scriptures.
It's not that scary (we promise!) and you will be given a clear script to follow, so you needn't worry about making anything up on the fly. The sign-up sheet is on the Social Hall stage on Sundays.
We currently have a full roster through April, but you can always sign up for slots further out. Just contact the church office.
We would greatly appreciate having more volunteers in the kitchen for food prep before the 10AM worship service and especially for clean-up after Fellowship hour. It's not difficult work at all, but it's time consuming with so few people doing it.
Thank you to everyone who has helped so far with your gifts of time, energy, money and food! We couldn't do this without you!
Our Digest will generally be issued on the first Tuesday of each month.
If you'd like to be put on the mailing list (either email or 'snail' mail) please contact the church office.
If you have a prayer request, please contact the church office or pastor, or share it with the congregation during the Joys and Concerns segment of the Sunday worship service. We can also include your request (anonymously if you wish) in the next digest.
We have quite a number of items on our Lost and Found shelf! If you have lost anything over the past year either inside our building or out in the parking lot, please inquire at the office to see if we have found it.
First Church Tucson is a courageous church! Established in 1879 as the first Protestant church in our city, First Church Tucson continues to pave the way in creating a faith community that embraces all peoples into the grace of God.
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today makes our ministries and community projects more effective.
To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
As a courageous community of faith, we celebrate the diversity of all God’s children, welcome everyone to share in God’s love and grace, and offer a sanctuary of hope.
Our goal is to meet the spiritual needs that First Church Tucson is uniquely equipped to fill. We aspire to minister to the university community.
While seeking to care for our aging congregation, we will invite and engage those who have never attended as well as those who have been disappointed or rejected by a faith community in the past.
We affirm and welcome all persons regardless of age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity into full participation, and membership.
No matter which form of Christianity you practice, the concept of community is one of the religion’s most important principles. Church members are supposed to care for one another and work together to help those in need, creating powerful bonds that can have positive effects on your mental health.
Seniors are living longer and having to face more challenges than before. A healthy lifestyle can help you deal with aging, protect you from cancer and keep you at your best.
Iskashitaa Refugee Network creates opportunities to integrate UN refugees into the Southern Arizona community while educating the public and strengthening the local food system, reducing local food waste, and increasing food security.
Arizona JFON welcomes immigrants by providing affordable, high-quality immigration legal services to low-income immigrants, engaging in advocacy for immigrant rights, and offering education to communities of faith and to the public about immigration.
Hospice of the Valley is the leading provider of hospice care, serving more than 23,000 patients and their families last year. Their care teams provide compassionate care in the comfort of home, relieving symptoms and addressing the patient’s medical, emotional and spiritual needs.